In the past, numerous people have told me verbally and nonverbally, “Your overthinking things, man.” Yet, many times overthinking is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s overthinking that could save your life. In the next few paragraphs I’m going to outline a couple things about situational awareness.

If you look up the definition of awareness you will find “realization” listed as a synonym. I absolutely love facts, and it doesn’t get any more real than that very thing: “FACT!!” Opinions will change like the weather, but facts on the other hand, will be there when the cows come home. And the fact is, overthinking is a necessary step to true situational awareness. It brings you the realization of what your surroundings hold and what your actions do to jeopardize your safety.

When the Cows Come Home

Speaking of cattle; did you know that cattle will always take the path of least resistance? Sure you did. You know why? You guessed it, because that is a fact. It is in a cow’s nature to take the path of least resistance. A certain cow and/or cattle will create a path and the rest are sure to follow.

This is the part where I give you the inside scoop on the deepest recesses of Ol’ Bessy’s cow brain. The cow thinks, “Hummm, now what I definitely do not want to do is overthink, man. It would be a whole lot easier for me to just follow this path that all the rest have taken. It’s so much easier than me paving a totally different path. I may be last, but I won’t be lost.”

I’m just going to skip to the end and tell you that Ol’ Bessy gets eaten by a pack of coyotes. Sorry, but you see Ol’ Bessy is a lot like the average person that chooses to risk becoming a statistic rather than overthinking things. 

The Game of Predator vs Prey

Most people are like Ol’ Bessy and oblivious to the fact that there are predators watching, lurking in the shadows and invested in your detailed patterns. These predators are in cahoots with the all-time favorite weapon of any enemy —TIME!

In this game of predator and prey, the predator has an exponential amount of time to attempt completing his or her objective. The prey on the other hand, only has a single attempt to get it right. The predator knows that all it has to do is go back to the drawing board and the prey will remain on the path of least resistance.

I’ve had to ask myself why do people look and say to anyone, “You’re overthinking things, man?” I have always believed that there is more to be heard from a person through what they are not saying than what is rolling off their tongues.

What these individuals are not stating when they say, “Your overthinking things, man,” is exactly the same thoughts of Ol’ Bessy. It is easier for the common individual to simply take the path of least resistance.

Now I know I’ve only scratch and sniffed the surface of situational awareness. I also know you can only handle so much animation about cows named Ol’ Bessy. Although “Ol’ Bessy” was a good analogy, what does that have to do with you?

A very close friend once told me, “You’re different brother, and it’s ok.” “Overthinking things,” being different and refusing to be a statistic, has not only helped me avoid a “pack of coyotes,” but it’s helped others too. I may be different, but perhaps we should all be a little different.

Remember These Two Key Steps for Situational Awareness

  1. Overthinking can save your life: Situational awareness often involves “overthinking” a situation and analyzing your surroundings at all times. Maintaining this high level of cognitive function makes you more aware of predators.
  2. Never keep a regular routine: Maintaining a regular daily, weekly or monthly routine makes you an easy target for any predator. Avoid the path of least resistance and create a sporadic and random routine to help minimize your risk of becoming prey.

If you take anything from this, let it be this one thing: DO NOT create patterns and by doing so you have taken away the process of elimination for the enemy, your predator. Remember, in today’s world when you are the prey, the enemy gets to make numerous mistakes to your one. When you choose to remain situationally aware, you eliminate yourself as potential prey. You can even take it one step further by analyzing patterns in the predator to help you prevail.

Please stay tuned in to this site, and in the future we will explore different ventures of situational awareness. Also in the future, I plan to include self-defense with situational awareness. In the meantime, don’t be the prey, do not create patterns, be aware and eat more chicken!  

DISCLAIMER: I admit I can be a little animated at times but I do want to let you know that no animals, and I do mean no animals, were actually harmed in the writing of this blog.

Yours Truly, (TM) Team Misfits                             
Photo credit: @lattefarsan via / CC BY-SA